For Businesses

All businesses are marketed in the same way: with words. Those words are everywhere—on your website, brochures, white papers and even in your email correspondence. What you say and how you say it can make the difference between sealing a deal and having a potential client walk away. Producing clean, error-free copy that sends the right message the first time is essential for every company, big or small.

With RocketDog Editorial, you are getting a high level of expertise in an experienced business editor. I have worked as a proofreader, technical editor and writer for medical business publications and an HR company. Past projects include website content research, rewrites and edits, white papers, business correspondence, newsletter articles, educational materials, texts, online assessments and a range of marketing materials. Below is a list of services provided.

Editing services

  • Proofreading
  • Developmental Editing
  • Special Projects (such as creating in-house style guides)
  • Website Grooming*